In today's lesson with Carl Hester, Olaf (Jaguar VOD) decided to show his full potential and offered sitting a little bit too much to his rider Milly Dove. Carl noted, with a smile on his face, that it was"a good problem to have". After all this is one of the most demanding tasks for the horses performing at Grand Prix level and our pair already shows an amazing degree of collection in exercises such as piaffe, passage and canter pirouettes.
“I don’t remember the canter being this good,” Carl also remarked. He saw the pair last time exactly two years ago, when Milly just started working with Olaf, and the compliment made us all very proud as she's spent a great amount of time working on uphill connection.
In the lesson they worked the pirouettes, tempi changes and passage, as well as travers, half pass and straightness. Milly got some super useful insights too, and is excited to get to work and be better for next time!